I finally took the time to develop a personal web site to highlight one of my other life long passion's of photography / videography.
I was able to secure MikeDzl.com as the domain name and have now developed a simple but very elegant static web site that highlights some of my best photos and slow motion videos I've recently captured. As always, this static site features free monthly hosting, keeping the overall operating costs quite low.
The domain name also matches my Instagram username, making for seemless branding with a short name & domain name that is easy to remember, look up later on instagram or even just recommend via word of mouth (which is more important then some give credit).
There will be a lot more on this site shortly, but please check it out and if you like it, show a little love by following @MikeDzl on instagram or just drop me some comments on there as well.
I've had numerous photographers, designers & friends I highly respect repeatedly suggest I do this over the past few years and am pleased that I made time to just "get it done" in a nice manner which is also ready to grow as I have more time.
Thanks go out to everyone of you who kept reminding me to make time to showcase my talents on a site like this as well, as all too often I'm too busy working for others to do so for myself.