Five Heart Rating System Enabled

New Ranking System Enabled

We've now enabled a new "Five Heart" rating system on all of our themes and products to allow you to vote from 1 to 5 on how much you like the item. 

Please take the time to check it out and review some of our themes, once we have enough ratings we will be enabiling a ranking system to allow you to sort and view the content based on ranking.


Mike D.

About Us

XGeneration Network has been helping connect community and create online experiences since 1998. 

We have been very grateful to be able to work with many amazing artists, communities, universities, as well as many different diverse companies & start up's along our journey.

With experience comes real world knowledge, we have watched the internet and technology grow from a new fun new cutting edge tool to becoming an almost irreplaceable part of our everyday lives, often being directly involved in that cutting edge as web innovators.

We believe in making information accessible to everyone on all devices, all of the time, enabling quick and easy access to important information from anywhere in the world. 

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